Thursday, August 28, 2008

Slightly different take on Gentlemanly Manners

I wrote an entry on this topic and I implied a discomfort with it. I still do.

I was called "gorgeous"
and "beautiful" by someone and seriously, it gave me a sense of unease. I believe it was based on outer beauty, which I clearly lack. The only reason I can think of is racial perception. At the same time, it undermines professionalism, if only the other party realises it.

On the contrary, what comes naturally over time creates an impression. It is part of being a partner, I feel. The best thing is that it shows care and concern even as a friend, and is not limited to a specific gender.

I've a new perspective on being called such names. The tour guide in Turkey called other girls and I "sweetie" but I know it is from an older person's point of view. He is a father and I can sense no intention to give advances, which is the opposite of the person who called me "gorgeous" and "beautiful". I felt comfortable, surprisingly.

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