Saturday, August 23, 2008

Does the diamond's size define his degree of love

Sandra Leong penned an article on how she wants a good engagement ring. I beg to differ on her thoughts regarding the importance of an expensive ring in a love relationship. Indeed, the materialistic forces of this world has influenced her, especially the women's magazines out there.

Basically, the quality of the ring doesn't determine how much a man loves you. He can give you a huge gem but it cannot guarantee his undying love for you. There is still a chance that the relationship won't last. It seems to me that romance is more important than love in the mind of Sandra. Love doesn't have to be ruled by such rituals.

There are other things that are sweet and less materialistic that he can do for you. What if he is not a millionaire and can't afford an expensive ring, but he treats you as a queen in his own special ways? Do you dump him because he is a pauper? Travelling a long way just to make sure you are safely home, wanting to spend more time with you at the expense of that with others and taking good care of you when you are with him, are also gestures that show his love for you. Call me naive at being touched by such small things but little drops of water make a mighty ocean, don't they? No wonder men who are not rich but not poor either feel ostracized.

Her friend J defined marriage as boring. I find that difficult to fathom. Marriage needs work and is not perfect, since it is between two humans. It is probably boring in that sense.

I am more into the wedding gown when it comes to the wedding. The design must be personally appealing and flattering, but more importantly, it must be appropriate for my church's dress code and not overshadow my husband's suit. The bride is usually in the limelight on that day but won't her husband feel small as a result? I must think of my husband's feelings too.

At the same time, money is an issue too. The dresses don't have to be from a designer and the reception as well as dinner can do without fancy food, the dummy cake and the champagne pouring. One evening gown or at the most two, will do. Another reason is that if I keep going out to change during the dinner, I won't get to eat much and it will be physically tiring too.

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