Sunday, August 9, 2009

Characteristics negative in every way

If there is a gift of outstanding ability and output, self-pride can ensue, but when the pride level escalates to blatancy, it becomes glaring and repulsive. The gift was not granted for this occurrence. It was for the purpose of enhancement and natural appreciation. Certainly, there is self-awareness that this occurrence is really a mirror for self-consciousness. The desire to seek purification is instilled. Perhaps emotion is the reason for such blatancy and condescension.

On the other hand, a revelation that personal levels pale in comparison can be smarting and incite inferiority. However, there is a choice to incline towards humility in acceptance, or towards uncalled-for cynicism under the pretence of enlightenment. Do societal rankings affect the choice taken?

When objective views are sought, truth should be the underlying drive. Instead, empathy to the point of unjustly sowing seeds of retaliation underneath power rights is shown. Gratitude is again felt at the knowledge of truth and love freely given.

Warpness is further seen in the corrupted motivation of personal gain when service is rendered and tasks are undertaken. This is more clearly explained in the context of a religion. There is definitely unsuitability, with the showcase of such an attitude, in this particular context. It is a tragedy to note such a perspective. "We are in the world but not of the world." This truth has been forgotten with the overwhelming forces of the world upon us. It is even more unfathomable when this is seen in the weaker gender of traditional society who is the key for future generations.

The terribly mistaken assumption that self-employment leads to naive ignorance of the world at large has been proven. A knowledgeable mindset can still be obtained, and boosted by a literary quest for it. Humble enlightening is then impressed upon. The power of literature and the written word does open the mind to commonsensical factors blatantly displayed, but blind to by a rigid thirst for materialistic gain.

Time and environment have certainly changed people's characters. Innocence and decency have evolved into an extremity of liberalism. Sincerity is terribly compromised and what is seen, is superficiality. This leaves me aghast.

Monetary abundance leaves one with the false impression that it should be the prime factor in lifelong companionship. Woe to those in this category. Character is what matters and what will sustain.

I cannot fathom how enhancing one's appearance through artificial means can compensate for one's deficient abilities in handling work responsibilities and in cultivating the correct work attitudes. It can give a competent initial impression but time will reveal the harsh truth, and the actual output will be terribly compromised to the embarrassment of self. The tragedy is that this lesson has not been fully learnt with past mistakes made. It would be better if the appearance is left in its natural form but the abilities are improved upon in a tremendous and positive manner.

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