Saturday, February 14, 2009

My Paper's V's Day guide.

These are some of my thoughts on certain portions I read in it.

Some tips for women to be an ideal life-partner:
1) intelligence and wit.
This trait features quite a lot on men's lists. Guess bimbos are out of business now.
2) optimism.
It helps us be a better source of support to our men. When they are down, we cheer them up and put the smile back on their faces. I'm reminded of this song All Things Bright and Beautiful. Here's the link:
3) a unique sense of style.
We should not blindly follow societal trends. Each of us is an individual and we choose what appeals to us.
4) order food portions you can finish.
If you can't, share your food with them. Of course, they like to see us throw caution to the wind and indulge along with them. They too, are weight-conscious.
5) play a sport/video games/computer games.
I love to watch and play tennis, and play Strikers 1945 Flash where you shoot down enemy planes and tanks. I'm open to other video games too, like the driving and the fighting games. So I'm safely in this category. Haha.
6) Have more makeup-free days.
I definitely advocate this tip for the sake of maintaining good skin. I'm glad I satisfy this criterion. I put makeup only for performances, which amounts to once a year. Hehe.

SDU adviser advocates relationships developing from friendships.
I believe that is the most perfect love relationship one can have. I know a couple who did just that and they are happily married now.

Some ways to improve relationships:
1) using words to affirm
I've learnt that actions matter more. Merely making promises but not fulfilling them and letting people down in the process makes us hypocritical.

2) giving
Love is to give till it hurts. I think this was said by Mother Teresa. I saw the exemplification of it in the actual ending of The Little Nonya, where Yueniang left Chen Xi to protect his family and reputation, despite loving him. Behold, true love. Love is to think of the other's welfare at one's own expense.
3) spending time together
I've always preferred outings with just one other person. It is easier to communicate without having to worry about leaving others out, lending an air of intimacy to the time spent.
4) physical intimacy
I beg to differ on this point. Emotional intimacy causes a deeper bond between two people. They communicate with their eyes and the vibes they radiate towards each other. The intrinsic knowledge that they mean something to each other closely binds them together.

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