Chen Ran(left) and Xiaolong(right).
I was the bridesmaid for May's and Maurice's wedding about 10 years ago and though we took photographs, she could not pass them to me immediately. A few days back, she actually posted them to me! It was a sweet thing to receive. Looking at them makes me smile.
She included a note with them as well and reading it makes me realise how long we've known each other and how we've journeyed with each other for the 17 years. I am especially grateful that she and Maurice came all the way from Pasir Ris to Upper Bukit Timah, to be with me during my mum's demise.
I miss the dinners with the couple and Gerry at her place but then again, she has to cook for us. It's not fair to her. Of course though, she is a fantastic cook and she learnt how to cook from scratch! She used recipe books and Maurice as her taster, to perfect her dishes. Read more about our meals in http://pseudocookery.blogspot.com/2008/08/fabulous-dinner.html
Our relationship has been growing stronger and this makes my mum's soul rest in peace. She was worried that our headstrong characters will clash, at her deathbed. My tongue is still sharp and I tend to be rather strong with my words. I am trying to curb it because I know my dad is sensitive. I am also trying to be more patient with him. Age is catching up with him and he is forgetful at times. I must let my pride and lack of understanding be quelled!
People say I'm a good daughter but it's my duty. I know he needs me to give him my time too. Anyway, the bible says we must not look down on our parents when they grow old. Now it's just my dad and I, since my brother is married. I think my dad's a good father and I know he loves me a lot. He tries to listen to me when I share and sometimes I get impatient when he takes time to understand something. That's not good on my side. He buys what I want and waits patiently when I am late in meeting him. I am glad I got to buy him lunch on my parents' wedding anniversary, since my mum's not with us anymore.
We share a lot on our thoughts and about life. I really treasure spending time with him. Though time with my friends and on work is compromised, the bigger picture is being with my dad. It's great going to shopping malls with him. We give each other time to walk on our own before meeting to go home. I can walk wherever I want, without feeling guilty for dragging my companion around with me. Then after we meet, we share with each other our adventures in exploring the place. :)) I feel comfortable speaking to him about the birds and the bees too, since we are mature adults. I've never felt this way before. :))We went to Macau and it was good. We are going on a cruise this Chinese New Year, since it's the first one without my mum. I am excited because the ship's attractions look enticing and I have my camera to take pictures with! I have been sharing the information on the ship that I find on the website with my dad. We take turns to carry out the check-in procedures. I do the online portion and he does the actual check-in on the day we leave. Perfect teamwork!
I was looking for clothes to wear for Chinese New Year and saw a man helping his wife to look for blouses. They were elderly and it made me think that younger husbands would not do that. I see most of them waiting for their wives, and fiddling with their phones or looking bored.
This is a very rampant greeting on 1st January and even we Catholic Christians are no exception to it. Immediately after Mass, my friends came up to me to wish me this.
I am rather cynical about it though I still respond to them. It is as if people say it for the sake of saying it. This then takes away the true communication between them.

My best friend Angela aka "Tommy" from Rugrats and "Tigger" from Winnie the Pooh. We've known each other for 12 years and have gone through a lot together. We are still as close as ever though we may have changed in certain aspects over time. :)
She is the bouncy, sexy, confident opposite of my passive, plain, timid self. She is on the left and I am on the right.
Her hubby Gerald whom I've known for 13 years. As you can see, they are avid photographers. They clearly love each other and are a compatible match. :)